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The Lie of Not Being Thin Enough

Rachele Schulist, a Michigan State distance runner, posted a powerful message on her instagram detailing how damaging the pursuit of the "ideal" frame for a distance runner can be. She recalls her own experience of battling the notion that to be an elite runner she should be extremely lean. This is a great read to highlight the stereotypes in distance running and the impact that it has.

Eating Disorders in the Track Community

Phoebe Wright weighs in on NEDA week to colorfully share her thoughts on eating disorders in the running community. She describes the weapons of the disorder: "it breaks in with no evidence. It hides. It takes over. It protects itself with the identity of the person. It becomes the identity of the person."

What Drives the Connection Between ED's and Certain Sports?

This article goes into detail about the risk factors associated with athletics and the development of eating disorders. It even highlight's several professional athletes who have vocalized their history with eating disorders.

A Runner's View: Eating Disorders in Athletics

Two-time English Schools 3000m gold medallist Sophia Parvizi-Wayne writes about how the pressures of the athletics world can take their toll when it comes to body image

Does a Hunger to Win Fuel an Eating Disorder?

Like many young, talented, determined high school athletes, Sumpter was methodical and organized in her behavior, laying her eating disorder out in public, for coaches, teammates and family members to see and react to.

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