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Athletes In The Olympics

I LOVE the Olympics. But this year was a little different for me. Four years ago I had just finished my Sophomore year of college, was living in my apartment near school, interning during the week, and doing my summer track conditioning every day. I was engrossed in my eating disorder bubble with my 'healthy food' and lean body.

Since then, my body has changed, my diet has changed, and my perspective has most definitely changed.

I started gearing up for the Olympics by watching the track and field trials. I instantly felt self-conscious looking at all of the amazing athletes and their bodies. Talk about a triggering event to watch. That was my sport, and those were the physiques that I had aspired to. I associated that body type with success and devoted the past several years to achieving that look in hopes it would bring me closer to being an elite athlete.

Sitting there on the couch, with more weight on me, and having not run or lifted in the past 18 months hit me hard. I felt sad, discouraged, and frustrated with myself for being in this situation. All I wanted to do was go out for a nice hard run, feel my heart race and sweat drip down my face. I wanted to remember what it was like to train and be a track athlete again.

But that would be detrimental to my current goals and undo the progress I have made over the past 18 months. So I sat on the couch and still enjoyed watching the best athletes in my sport compete to get to the highest level.

Next came the Olympics and I have been watching everything from swimming, to gymnastics, to volleyball, to horseback riding. And for the first time I really looked at the athletes and their bodies. They were all different shapes and sizes. Some were incredibly lean and muscular but others had a softer frame. Often within the same sport! I had to recognize that these were the best athletes in the world and they did not all have that physique I epitomized. I saw beauty in each of their bodies and thought "that is their best body". How it looks right now is what has gotten them there to compete at the highest level. I felt so much appreciation and respect for their bodies and what they have endured and are capable of to have reached that stage.

I was so pleasantly surprised by the shift in my perspective and I encourage you to take in all of the different body types that you see as you watch the Olympics and notice how beauty, strength, and endurance can take so many different forms.

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